Sunday, November 29, 2009

It's been a while...

So it's been a while since my last update...however a lot has happened since. I've managed to slowly but surely build my bankroll playing micro-stakes. Currently on Pokerstars I have $670, which is quite a respectable increase from $40. Biggest thing that happened though was that I place 2nd in a $2 multi-table tournament that had approx. 2070 entrances. Pay-out for me was $477, 1st place took $670. The tourney was 3 handed for a way, heads-up play only lasted a few hands. I got dealt A-Q, I made a small raise pre-flop, as I had been doing almost every hand against him, he called, flop came out, I paired my ace, which I checked with the hopes to induce a bluff. He bet, I raised, he just called. Turn came, a King, I checked again, he bet, I moved all-in he called (K-J in his hand, no Jack on the board, no possible straight, so he as down to 5 outs, I was a 9 to 1 favorite) and BOOM K spikes on the river. Had my hand held up I would of been about dead even in chips, and I felt confident that with aggressive play I could of won that tourney and taken home an extra $180.

So after placing second in the MTT, I started playing some NL50 (Cash Games where the blinds are .25/.50) and I've managed to net about another $30 dollars out of. I was up about $120 at one point but I've had some pretty bad-suckouts so I've refrained from playing cash games as I've felt a tendency to go on tilt which I am making a conscious not to do.

Finally, school is out as of December 6th and thus I will be focusing a lot more on poker and building my bankroll come this winter break (as if I don't focus on poker enough already :-D). Moreover, I will participating in this years Mini-FTOPS events (only No-Limit Hold Em, no re-buys, no shootouts). I've already begun to look for stakers to buy up 80% of my action on what is fast becoming one of my favorite forums Unfortunately, since I have only been a member for less than 6 months I can't post in the normal staking forum, had that not been the case I feel I probably would of sold the 80% I was looking to sell by now, but either way, I've begun to get offers. I will be posting updates and hand histories regarding my perfomance in the events that I participate in. Here's a list of the events I am looking to play:

FTOPS Event #1 (6 Man) $20+2
FTOPS Event #18 (Cashout) $20+2
FTOPS Event #20 $20+2
FTOPS Event #8 (6 Man-Knockout)$24+2
FTOPS Event #10 $30+3
FTOPS Event ME $50+5
Total: $180

Thanks for reading! For those of you playing poker: Play well, Run well!

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